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Welcome to SW Performance Coaching, your premier destination for transformative clinical hypnotherapy services in Doncaster, London, and online.

I provide solutions to your challenges through a unique combination of treatments including Hypnotherapy, NLP, Emotional Freedom techniques & Blast®


IMAGINE if you could boost your performance in sport, work, your confidence, improve your health, lose weight and/or overcome any issue affecting you in your life right now. How would that look? How would you feel being the best version of you? Do you realise that you can look and feel like that now? 

I became a hypnotherapist to help you discover this. My methods are scientifically proven to get you the results you want now.

Picture how amazing you’ll look being healthier, happier, more confident, achieving your goals… You can hear those around you complimenting you on your achievements, your transformation… Feels great don’t you agree?

I’m not going to say that it will be easy, I am saying you have the power within you to change for your own good, to boost your confidence, improve your health, lose the weight you want to lose and overcome whatever issue is currently afflicting you. It is up to you to decide. You are in control. What I will say is that I value you and I will give my all to help get you to your goals.

My name is Stuart Wade and I am a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Licensed NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Practitioner, Sports Performance Mind Coach, Personal Trainer and Level 4 Strength and Conditioning Coach. 

I offer sessions in Central London, Doncaster and online.

Get in touch today for a FREE telephone call to discuss what is going on and see if we're a good fit to work together.

Profile photograph of Stuart Wade Clinical Hypnotherapist
Photograph of Stuart Wade Clinical Hypnotherapist punching a punchbag in the gym
Photograph of Stuart Wade Clinical Hypnotherapist working on the laptop
Home: Case Studies

Case Studies

Sprinters in a 100 metre race leaving the starting blocks

Amateur to Professional - Junior Olympics Argentina

Swimmer racing in the Swimming Pool

Junior Team GB Athlete

Cricket Player bowling during a cricket match

Club Cricket player

800 metre runner on the starting blocks

Regional 800m Champion

Kickboxer landing a roundhouse kick to the body in a fight

Kickboxer - gym to ring

A racing driver holding the chequered flag after winning a kart race

Young Racing Driver



Hypnosis is an altered state of awareness where your mind can remain clear and focused on a single thing. The experience of hypnosis is similar to daydreaming but in a controlled environment. Hypnosis is a certified set of skills that can create rapid change in human behaviour for emotional wellbeing.


Not at all. In fact, quite the opposite. You will have more control than you have probably ever experienced.


You will not be asleep or unconscious. If asleep, you would not be able to have a dialogue with your therapist. During hypnotherapy you are even more in control of what is happening around you than you would normally be, but you can also be selective, which can’t happen during a waking state.


A light hypnotic state of awareness is satisfactory to achieve the desired outcome for the session. All people will achieve a trance deep enough to allow the process to take place. Remember Hypnosis is only one tool in the toolbox of a great practitioner to uncover the information for the client to move forward.


Everybody can be hypnotised if they want to be. Even individuals with a short attention span can be hypnotised. This requires even closer attention to detail by the hypnotherapist.


Although many people feel my hypnotherapy is a wonderful state of relaxation it’s actually a heightened state of concentration where clients get to focus on one thing and nothing else. As we deal with issues on a logical and emotional level, clients find themselves feeling incredibly empowered with genuine feelings of motivation, determination, confidence and feelings of certainty and control.

Home: FAQ

Absolutely amazing experience
I have to admit, i was a bit sceptical to begin with, but as the sessions went on, i could literally feel myself getting better and better, stronger and stronger, more confident and relaxed.
I was prescribed Fluoxitine (for depression) & had been taking it for years.  I stopped taking them just before i started seeing Stuart & i haven't needed to go back on them.
I am happier, healthier & my general outlook on life & everything is much more positive.
work colleagues and my friends & husband have all noticed a massive change in me for the better.
I recommend this type of therapy and especially Stuart to everyone.


Free Telephone Consultation

On-line and In-Person Sessions

For your free, no obligation, telephone consultation, you can call and speak to me direct.

You can also send a message via the contact form. I will contact you to arrange a time to talk that suits you.

I encourage you to ask as many questions as you like. You're making an important decision
and it's essential that you feel comfortable if you are going to proceed and make an appointment.

Use the Contact form below to get in touch now

Stuart Wade Clinical Hypnotherapist working on the laptop


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